Positive Attributes: Optimistic, realistic, imaginative, brilliant, natural, heartfelt Negative Attributes: Apprehension, uneasiness, obstinate, ardent, rigid, offensive, wilful. 22 - The MASTER BUILDER Number 22 is the quantity of the Spiritual Master Builder on the Material Plane. 22 integrates and extends the powers of 11. There are multiple times the power and energy in this vibration, so there is multiple times the solidarity to use on the material plane. This is the 'God' energy brought to the material plane and put into structure, and this vibration holds a lot of liability. In view of its incredible power, the number 22 might bring about noteworthy authority or unfortunate ruin. Ace Number 22 represents the standard of accuracy and equilibrium. At the point when it detects its all out limit as a 'Expert Builder,' it can accomplish what is not really possible. The 22 can transform the most aggressive dreams into the real world and is possibly the best, everything...