How To Start And Profit Online

Learn How To Start An Online Business From Scratch from a multimillion dollar online entrepreneaur, John Crestani. Let’s go! Hey, I’m John Crestani and way back when I actually started my business from scratch as well. This was back in college. I had just read this book, the four hour work week and I was like, this is what I want to do. I want to start an online business. I want to travel the world. I want to make lots of money, have tons of fun experiences, but if I was in your position today, now I make over $500,000 per month in my business and you can look up stories about me on Forbes and whatever, but I’m going to go through in this video just being super real with you. If I was starting from zero, here’s how I would go about things. So hopefully this helps. If you like this video or if you have any questions, make sure to like it and ask your questions in the comments. But I’m going to just go to blast through these things right here. Okay, I also have a six-week...